Roadblock... No fun without roadblocks. 😒

19:23 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

It has been around 4 weeks since we applied for the building permission (bygglov) for our house and we were hoping that we might get the decision this week. But... then came a letter from Karlskrona Kommun.
We got very excited thinking it was the approval from the planning office. But as our luck would have it, the letter was not about approval. It was a letter saying that the application we sent for building permission was lacking some drawings.
I got a little nervous thinking if I forgot to add some important documents when I did the application. But then I remembered that all the documents and drawings were prepared by Myresjöhus. Me and my wife only had to sign the documents. So I took the letter to Magnus from Myresjöhus to check.

As it turns out the problem was not with the house plan. I was a bit releaved.
The letter was asking about the drawings for the outer fence wall. But Magnus insisted that all the required information and drawings were submitted. So he said that he would call the people responsible at Karlskrona Kommun to check and sort out the problem.
All this meant two things ; the building permission was not going to arrive this week  but on the brighter side it also meant that our application was being processed and we had a great chance of getting the extended veranda and balcony approved.
Now we just have to wait for Magnus to sort out the issue with the drawings for the fence wall and then hopefully we will get the building permission soon after.